About Kathy Hoss

Kathy Hoss is a Southern California based certified health transformation coach and change consultant. She is an influencer, speaker, wellness event producer, and advocate with extensive background in consulting and coaching for individuals and corporations. She has helped clients through successful transformations applying her change management and sustainment expertise. With nutrition and lifestyle coaching she helps her clients create simple solutions so they can find and integrate healthy habits into everyday living. Turning “what we know” into “what we do”.

Her speciality is helping women with a sustainable approach to wellness and a lifestyle of healthy longevity and youthful aging. She uses her framework of “Eat . Play . Balance .™ ” to address the many factors that prevent or are detrimental to maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Optimizing health and longevity though eating the right foods, incorporating emotional and physical play, and balancing hormones, metabolic function, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and nervous system to create a sense of overall harmony.

Kathy is a graduate of Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has a Mathematics degree and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from UCLA. She is fluent in English, Farsi and French, and learning Spanish. In addition to her coaching and consulting practice, she is active in a number of nonprofits which she is also passionate about.

“To put it simply, Kathy is a nutritional goddess! Her holistic guidance has been invaluable to me in strategizing —and achieving—a diverse range of health and fitness goals.

She is humbled, nonjudgmental, and very open in sharing her own personal struggles with food, exercise and dieting.Her expert approach helped to put me on a path of making right choices regarding food and nutrition, which were catered to my specific needs.

The personalized nutritional plan, we designed together, worked for me, as I no longer felt that I had to diet to lose and maintain my weight. I highly recommend Kathy’s nutritional also nurturing program)..Best investment ever!”

— Dr. Azadeh Tabazadeh

"Kathy brings a certain passion and fresh approach to living healthy that is inspiring and fun.

She helped me understand my relationship with food which is helped me eat differently and approach my weight and health differently."

— Monica T.

My Mission

Well-being Transformation Coaching

Advancing Youthful Aging & Women’s Health

My mission is clear and deeply personal: I want to show anyone who is hesitant to seeking optimal healht that it doesn't have to be complicated — it can be both simple and enjoyable.

But equally important, I’m on a mission to empower women with the health reserach and knowledge they’ve been historically denied. I’m determined to bridge that gap by providing you with accurate and comprehensive informaiton that sets you up for a life of vibrant health and youthful aging.

At the heart of this journey, we'll harness the power of modern science and tailored laboratory testing. These tools help us reveal the root causes of any health concerns and guide the path forward.

For far too long, we women have navigated a health landscape with insufficient research that didn't always prioritize our unique needs. But times have changed, and with a deeper understanding of women's health, I know we can optimize both our overall wellness and our youthful aging process. There are key functions within our bodies that, if neglected, can fast-track aging, and I'm here to guide you in recognizing and nurturing them.

Regardless of where you are on life's timeline, my unwavering commitment is to guide you in crafting a life where age is merely a number, and the spirit remains ever youthful. Together, we'll navigate a transformative journey, ensuring a life of optimal health, joy, and longevity.

I see myself as not just a coach, but an advocate for women’s health. My aim is to empower you by understanding your needs and health concerns and the latest alternatives available for your optimal healthy being and healhty aging. By fostering awareness, I hope to ignite a genuine desire within you to embrace healthier living. With the right tools, knowledge, and mindset, we can forge a path towards a life that's not only vibrant but also energetically youthful. Let's embark on this journey of robust health together.

You will acheive a successful transformation to a sustianable healthy lifestyle.

Schedule your 20 min consultation